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  • Why should we reduce food waste?
    Food waste is one of the main causes of climate change. By reducing food waste, we can protect the environment while reducing the damage caused by climate change.
  • What is the life cycle of earthworms?
    In general, earthworms have a life cycle that starts from cocoons, young worms (juvenile), productive worms, and old worms.
  • What are the benefits of earthworm farming?
    Earthworm cultivation is one of the interesting cultivation activities that is worth trying because it can provide several benefits in terms of people, planet and profit! 1. People: Maintenance and cultivation activities are easy to implement and can be cultivated on a household scale with a small area of land. 2. Planer: decomposes organic waste with a fast process and the resulting compost contains high nutrients. 3. Profit: The results of cultivation in the form of earthworms and worm fertilizer can be sold at a fairly high price.
  • What is the market potential for earthworm products?
    The complex nutritional content of earthworms is certainly an opportunity for the demand for earthworm products. Some potential market shares in marketing earthworm products include the health and pharmaceutical industry, the livestock industry, the fishing industry, and the agricultural industry (Nangameka and Nasar, 2022). The use of earthworms as a typhoid drug drives the demand for this product to fulfill the health and pharmaceutical industry. Earthworms are also a high-nutrient feed for vanname shrimp and several other livestock commodities. Therefore, earthworms have great prospects to be developed to fulfill multi-sectoral needs in Indonesia.
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