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Sobat Bumi

Zero waste pioneer for sustainability

Food Waste Issues

Every year 1.3 billion tons of food are produced and one-third of it ends up as food waste (FAO, 2017). The National Waste Management Information System in Indonesia also shows that the composition of food waste in 2020 reached 93% (Ministry of Environment and Forestry, 2022). 


Large amounts of food waste can trigger climate change due to the increase in carbon produced. The estimated carbon generated from food waste reaches 3.3 billion tons of CO2 or the equivalent of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere per year (Wulandari and Asih, 2020).


Food waste production in Indonesia is generated by several parties, including households, restaurants, shops, institutions and industries. The lack of food waste management by households leads to high food waste production due to the lack of integration between households and waste bank managers.

I Found a Countertop Compost Bin That Really, Truly Traps Any Bad Odors.jpeg

How to deposit food waste?

Our Activities


Collecting Waste

We collect household-scale food waste for further processing


Processing Waste

Food waste that has been collected is then sorted and separated by type.


Cultivating Worm

Cultivation of earthworms fed with food waste processed into compost

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